A New Life Acupuncture
Specializing in the care of Menstrual/Hormonal Health, Fertility, Pregnancy, Labor/Delivery, Postpartum, and Pediatric patients
Dr. Patrick Boswell DACM, LMT, Doula
Jenny Mathis L.Ac
Serving the Greater Rochester and Spencerport areas
In patient treating privileges at Highland, and Strong Memorial hospitals OB/GYN department through the University of Rochester
Home /hospital visits during labor = $200 for first hour +100 each additional hour
Not always available right away
for home visits.
We treat everyone from the beginning of life to the end of life and all things in between. As we age the maintenance of proper health remains a common theme for all people, and thus we will assist you and your family during all these stages of life. To do this we offer reduced rates for our younger patients.
We accept most major insurances. insurance rate vary by provider and your specific plan. you can always contact your insurance company to find out if acupuncture is covered and what the cost would be for you.​​
Cash Rates:
based on age
13 + = $80
0 - 12 = $40
Additional 40$ at first visit