A New Life Acupuncture
Specializing in the care of Menstrual/Hormonal Health, Fertility, Pregnancy, Labor/Delivery, Postpartum, and Pediatric patients
Dr. Patrick Boswell DACM, LMT, Doula
Jenny Mathis L.Ac
Serving the Greater Rochester and Spencerport areas
In patient treating privileges at Highland, and Strong Memorial hospitals OB/GYN department through the University of Rochester
Qi Gong/Tai Ji
Movement is life. The lack of proper functional movement doesn't just cause joint/muscle pain. It effects all systems of the body. Something as simple as relearning proper breathing is movement therapy and can be profoundly healing.
Qi gong can be thought of as "Chinese yoga". Various postures and movements are used not only to strengthen the muscles but the whole body inside and out.
All of my infertility patients are given simple, easy to remember exercises to do that will help to increase your chance of achieving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.