A New Life Acupuncture
Specializing in the care of Menstrual/Hormonal Health, Fertility, Pregnancy, Labor/Delivery, Postpartum, and Pediatric patients
Dr. Patrick Boswell DACM, LMT, Doula
Jenny Mathis L.Ac
Serving the Greater Rochester and Spencerport areas
In patient treating privileges at Highland, and Strong Memorial hospitals OB/GYN department through the University of Rochester
moxabustion is a technique that uses an herb called mugwort or Artemisia Vulgaris. The herb is dried and ground to a fluffy product that feels like cotton. Then, it is packed into paper rolls or formed into cones to be burned over the skin or diectly on the skin in various areas. you will feel a gentle, comfortable warming sensation on the area.
This technique is used to dispel cold from an area and increase circulation to the area. This in turn reduces pain and increases the action of many acupuncture point.